Monday, May 12, 2008

pluses and minuses

On the plus side, we had cake at the office. And, although Mondays generically suck ass, Mondays with cake aren’t half bad. The cake was homemade caramel with homemade caramel icing.

On the minus side, I had three teensy slices that probably added up to one ginormous slice with about 1,800 calories. Yeah. Well-done me. In my defense, it was very moist and delicious. You would probably have eaten three teensy slices or one ginormous one, too.

On the minus side, it is now 10 p.m., and our neighbors have their air boat out on the lake behind my house. It sounds like a very large, very annoying mosquito, and I’d like to shoot their cracker asses with a high-powered rifle with a night scope and let the resident alligators dispose of their carcasses.

On the plus side, James came over to put this meter on my water heater to see how much power it is using and to ask me to listen to his car to see if I thought Goodyear had totally screwed him over (his hearing sucks, and yeah, they did). I actually think this was half a ploy to get to see me on a Monday night, and half a ploy to put a device on my water heater. Either way, I’m okay with it.

On the plus side, while he was here, he helped me prune a bunch of tree limbs next to my driveway, and now that section of my yard looks less like a jungle and more like a suburban yard. It’s kind of nice. Also, I got about a dozen kisses. He really is the best kisser, ever.

So, overall, I rank this day as about 75% awesome and 25% “bah, I need to shoot my annoying as fuck redneck neighbors and lose some fucking weight.” Still, that’s not bad.

Definitely, the cake was huge. And, the kisses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well at least the pluses out weigh the minuses that's always good. Better then my days have been going. and kissing is always good. I like kissing.

And don't forget kissing and fucking at the same time make for an orgasmic evening.